شركة مدارس أكاديمية وعد

أكاديمية وعد هي مدرسة عالمية تلهم العقول الشابة للتعلم والابتكار والقيادة.
تتمثل رؤيتنا في توفير تعليم شامل لجميع أطفالنا من خلال رعاية قلوبهم وعقولهم وجسمهم في بيئة تعليمية عالمية المستوى ستمكنهم من أن يصبحوا متعلمين ناجحين ومؤمنين مخلصين وقادة مسؤولين.

Our goal

To bloom and flourish in a fun, loving and an amazing experience approach in education through the basic subjects’ requirements within the Developmental Stages.

Teaching is based on the ability and the understanding of each student; to develop their curiosity and interest

Teaching is based on the ability and the understanding of each student; to develop their curiosity and interest

Teachers understand the weaknesses and strength of the child, work at their own capability, and then gradually bring it to the class pace to achieve grade level expectation.

Every child has the potential to achieve high expectation with proper guidance and care.

Our Vision

“Your specialised neighbourhood KG”

Our Mission

Successful societies through innovative learning solutions”

Our Philosophy

“Provide High-quality early years education in a loving and fun environment”